Maximize Tax Savings and Retirement Funds with a Cash Balance Plan
Supercharge your tax savings and your retirement nest egg with enormous tax-deductible contributions. The silver bullet of retirement plans!
We safely eliminate your taxes with our vast collection of the greatest, IRS-recognized tax elimination strategies on the planet that you’ve never heard of…even if you have an excellent CPA or tax lawyer.
We help you rapidly accumulate money for retirement needs with innovative tax-free techniques so that you can enjoy the fruits of your lifetime of hard-work during your golden years to the fulllest.
We help people from all income and wealth levels, from the typical mom and pop small business owner to the multi-billionaire, bulletproof assets from creditors and predators for you and your family's financial security.
We help you pass on your accumulated wealth to your loved ones in innovative ways which not only avoid family conflict but also foster family harmony, unity and prosperity.
We use innovative and proven techniques that will eliminate your income taxes on unlimited amounts of all types of income.
Our innovative techniques dramatically increase how much money you can save tax-free to ensure you that enjoy your golden years of retirement to the fullest.
We will bulletproof your and your family’s hard-earned assets from potential creditors, such as from lawsuits from accidents, divorcing spouses, government benefit spend-downs, and much more.
We will use advanced techniques to freeze, squeeze and remove assets from your taxable estate whether you’re a multi-millionaire or a multi-billionaire.
We will implement an estate plan that will ensure that your hard-earned wealth is passed on to your loved ones precisely how you want in the most efficient and most effective manner possible.
Our laser-focused strategy design process produces extraordinary results that hit the bullseye for the most powerful and effective holistic planning available anywhere.
First, we gather all relevant information from you about your desires, objectives and circumstances.
Then we analyze all of the information we gathered from you with microscopic scrutiny.
We present the winning strategies to you in a simple, easy-to-understand presentation.
We present the winning strategies to you in a simple, easy-to-understand presentation.
from startups to mature companies
all types of investments
doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc.
all ages and all levels of income and wealth
"You will have peace of mind knowning that you have a holistic plan designed with laser-like precision that incorporates an optimal mix of state-of-the-art strategies to accomplish your objectives in an elegant and comprehensive manner."
Our decades of experience and deep expertise in many subject matters provide you with maximum benefits and optimum results that achieve extraordinary outcomes for your precise needs and objectives.
And our vast, global network of collaborative working relationships with the top experts in all relevant subject matters throughout the world perfectly complements and enhances our expertise.
We have a burning passion and put unusual effort into designing and delivering holistic planning that is purposely and precisely designed for each client's unique needs and objectives.
Quite simply, we are driven by a passion for innovative, creative and holistically optimized planning that is deeply embedded in our DNA.
We help our clients thrive with extraordinary outcomes from our keen intuition for thoughtful and creative planning coupled with scalpel-like precision.
We utilize the most innovative, state-of-the-art strategies in intelligent and creative ways that achieve the best results possible for you.
Viewing our clients needs through a broad 3D lens, we design bespoke strategies and plans that thoroughly cover all of the bases.
From income tax elimination, to estate & gift tax elimination, to bulletproof asset protection and ultimately planning for the smoothest, most efficient and effective transfer of wealth to loved ones at death and beyond.
Our lean, tech-enabled infrastructure coupled with our vast, global network of collaborative working relationships with top experts throughout the world deliver the best of all worlds to you.
Without being bogged down with internal bureaucratic red tape, a cumbersome staff of less-experienced attorneys, and typical law firm overhead burdens, we run fast, nimble and very efficiently.
Our holistic approach provides bulletproof protection of your hard-earned assets and wealth from every angle.
Eliminate Taxes • Protect Wealth • Leave a Legacy
Supercharge your tax savings and your retirement nest egg with enormous tax-deductible contributions. The silver bullet of retirement plans!
Create an inspirational legacy of wisdom, values, generosity and stories that will deeply bond your family. Be remembered well for generations.
There are a myriad of trusts available…enough to make your head spin! We demistify 12 of them for you.
Confused about the differences between a Will and a trust? If so, you are not alone. While it is always wise to contact an expert trust attorney like us
Get FREE insights into eliminating taxes, protecting hard-earned wealth and passing it all on precisely as you wish!